Encore Theatre Company's world premiere of Lauren Yee's Hookman

BROADWAY WORLD: Encore Theatre to Present HOOKMAN...
" 'Yee describes Hookman as "a strange comedic riff on the horror genre, or perhaps an existential slasher comedy.' Lisa Steindler, co-artistic director of Encore Theatre, elaborates, 'While a comedy, Hookman is also a meditation on grief. It explores the question of what happens when we lose those closest to us and how we deal with such loss.' "

Hooked from the start on Yee’s Hookman
"Leave it playwright Lauren Yee to bring clear definition to the sub-genre 'existential slasher comedy.' That’s exactly what her Hookman is, a fascinating world-premiere play from Encore Theatre Company that draws laughs from teen speak and the usual first year of college tropes but blends in a rich and disturbing examination of loss, responsibility, maturity and what it is to be a young woman in the 21st century."

Lauren Yee’s slasher satire is razor-sharp
"If the titular Hookman isn’t real, he still wreaks a lot of havoc in Yee’s funniest and, in some respects, most intriguing play since her breakthrough, “Ching Chong Chinaman.” In the course of this 'existential slasher comedy,' she carefully laces her bountiful satire of the horror genre and female teen immaturity, language, enthusiasms and self-absorption with thought-provoking barbs about college boys, sex on campus and various forms of social and moral responsibility."

Directed by Becca Wolff
Scenic Design by James Faerron
Costume Design by Christina Dinkel
Props & Blood Design by Devon LaBelle
Lighting Design by Joshua McDermoth
Sound Design by Drew Yerys
Performer(s) in photo: Taylor Jones, Sarah Matthes
Scenic Design by James Faerron
Costume Design by Christina Dinkel
Props & Blood Design by Devon LaBelle
Lighting Design by Joshua McDermoth
Sound Design by Drew Yerys
Performer(s) in photo: Taylor Jones, Sarah Matthes